
Solutions | Offerings

Sign-Up Validation

Secure Your Business and Customers
From the Start

Sign Up Validation

Keep your ecosystem safe by validating users against first-party data from the world’s leading companies to let more trusted users in without friction while keeping the bad ones out.

Secure your platform, marketplace, or site

Block risk and fraud at the gate

Create a safe and positive experience

Retain loyal and active customers

How it works

Reduce manual reviews and increase revenue

12 Ways to Optimize Your Fraud Investment

Read how

In the Spotlight

The Guide to Automating Fraud Prevention

Start automating fraud prevention processes with these seven steps to improve efficiency and accuracy

November 30, 2023

Future of fraud

The Future of Fraud Identity: Gen AI

Unveil how the GenAI is used for fraud and gain insights into future predictions of this ever-evolving threat.

February 14, 2024

Couples Therapy - improving marketing collaboration

Couples Therapy: Improving Marketing & Fraud Collaboration

This eBook shares the collective knowledge of dozens of marketing and fraud professionals interviewed to understand how teams can collaborate best together

February 14, 2024

Want to secure your ecosystem and create a safe and positive environment?

Talk to us now